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Breastfeeding is a process that contains many energetic changes for both the mother and the baby, physical fatigue, body pain, mood changes, changes in the dynamics of the home, etc. It is under this context that the mother and the baby begin a period that requires a lot of comfort, containment and security, so that both can focus exclusively on breastfeeding and thus have a rich and pleasant process for both. This is where the company and pro-activity of a good companion are needed, one who can be present and take care of all the factors that directly or indirectly affect the breastfeeding process.

Comfort: The companion can take care of putting pillows when nursing, preparing food, giving water, changing diapers or changing clothes to the baby while the mother rests.

Safe environment: Take care of the visits! This so that the mother does not have to deal with dynamics or dialogues that can stress her. For this, it is necessary for the companion to set limits on who enters this safe environment, thus turning him into an emotional and energetic protector.

Home care: She can take care of housework, laundry, order and cleaning the house, this so that the mother is not using her energy on other things, and thus can give the necessary attention to her baby.

Containment: Breastfeeding all night, the mother's constant attention to the baby, a decrease in the mother's recreational and self-care activities, hormonal rise and fall, among others, influence the emotional and energetic environment of the dyad. Therefore, the emotional support that the companion can provide is of great importance since taking care of these aspects will be able to obtain a pleasant and rich process for the family.

It is important to note that the companion can NOT only be the father, it can also be a family member or close friend who can facilitate this role.

If you know of someone who wants to fulfill this role and does not know how to do it, contact us so we can guide them. It is very important to have a companion since with this the process of breastfeeding and parenting can be much more bearable.

If you know of someone who wants to fulfill this role and does not know how to do it, contact us so we can guide them. It is very important to have a companion since parenting must be done together. "

Dani, @facilitador_de_consciencia of @clubdelactancia

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